Market appraisal.

Maximising Pharmacy Value Insights

It takes years of experience and deep industry knowledge to understand the value of a pharmacy, not just based on its historical financial results. In many cases, focusing solely on these results may reflect the 'highest and best value' of the pharmacy. While financials are important, there are many non-financial elements that many overlook or simply don't see. Recognising these elements could lead to a significantly higher sale price for your pharmacy.

The motivation of buyers to find the perfect business ensures they're willing to pay a price that may exceed the pharmacy's financial value. This doesn't suggest that the buyer has overpaid or that the seller has received more than they should have; rather, it underscores the fact that there are buyers willing to pay a premium for the right business. With our expertise, we guide our clients to the best outcomes, and our buyers are always grateful for the opportunity to acquire their desired business.

Further considerations include current pharmacy regulations, such as relocation rules and the terms of each Pharmacy Agreement, along with changes to the PBS, among other factors. These considerations need to be addressed by all parties involved. We factor in the 'highest and best value' of the Pharmacy with these considerations in mind before finalising our appraisal.

The state of the market, the responsiveness of the Banks to buyers' financial requirements, the outcome of the valuation required by the buyer, the due diligence carried out by accountants, and the buyer's initial deposit all play critical roles in determining the value we place on your business. This ensures that our valuation reflects the 'highest and best value' of the pharmacy and is also achievable.

All these factors contribute to our comprehensive market appraisal of your business. Our wealth of experience and knowledge in these areas is pivotal in maximising the return on your pharmacy investment, serving you, our valued client, in the best possible way.